Solis 3phase Meter DTSD1352 with 3x150A:5A CTs
Supplier: Solis
Category: Accessories -
Three phase meter with external CTs for Export Limitation with Solis 3-phase inverters. This Solis meter is an exceptional device that allows the calculation of electricity consumption on selected inverter models, you will be able to manage the electric demand perfectly for export limitation and adherence to grid regulations.
Product features
- Temperature measurement
- Remote communication and Control
- Measurement of various electrical parameters
NB. This meter should be used with single inverter deployments only.
Full 24hr net power and consumption monitoring with export limitation:
- Solis 4G 3-Phase 5kW to 20kW Inverters
- Solis S5 3-Phase 5kW to 60kW Inverters (Series 5)
Only PV production monitoring and export limitation:
- Solis 5G 3-Phase 25kW to 40kW Inverters
- Solis 4G 3-Phase 50kW and 60kW Inverters
- Solis 5G 3-Phase 80kW and 110kW Inverters
For monitoring with Solis Cloud a Solis LAN or Wi-Fi data logging stick is required.
- SOL-DLS-W3 - Data Logging Stick - wired LAN
- SOL-S2-WL-ST - Data Logging Stick - WiFi
This product must be installed by a qualified electrician/technician. All installations must adhere to local wiring regulations and standards. SegenSolar will not be held liable for any product malfunctions as a result of incorrectly installed systems.