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Viridian Solar are a UK based manufacturer of roof-integrated solar PV panels and roofing systems. They are chosen by many leading UK house builders, for their beautifully sleek solutions, integrated entirely within the roof.


Viridian have added to their in-roof experience by adding exceptional PV modules. Their sleek roof integration is ideal for commercial or new build solar, as they look fantastic, whilst performing with excellent power.

They’ve been rated at 5,300Pa wind resistance, making them 4x as stable as other competitors without ever needing to modify the roofing timbers. They do so with invisible clamps that keep the clean, uncluttered aesthetic that adds value and kerb appeal to the property too.

The installation process is simple and can be completed with no special roof preparation. Everything needed comes in the kit, meaning no repeat site visits, saving you time and money as an installer.


Viridians latest addition to its Clearline fusion range, the G1 comes in at 335W, an increase in power from previous models, due to the use of 158mm monocrystalline, half-cut PERC cells.

Key benefits of the G1 range

  • Increased power
  • Reduced resistance losses with better overall efficiency
  • Two separate strings meaning reduced output loss with shading
  • Comes with brand-new G1 compatible roofing kits
  • New colour shades for even better aesthetics.
  • Highly compatible, easy installation process


For every Clearline Fusion bought, Viridian Solar will plant a tree as part of their Fusion Forest initiative.


The Viridian range is a perfect panel for domestic solar and also new build solar. Their uncluttered design and strong performance results mean that homeowners love them.

View our other solar products. We’ve got plenty of options including Solar PV, EV Charging & Battery Storage solutions.

We stock the largest amount of these products of any UK company, meaning we’re always ready with the products you need.

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